About Us

One Team Networks Sdn Bhd
One Team is an innovative and sustainable Malaysian company, which transforms science into mosquito control products since 2013. We are a Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001:2015 certified company registered under the scope of manufacturing and supplying of mosquito control products.
One Team is an innovative and sustainable Malaysian company, which transforms science into mosquito control products since 2013. We are a Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001:2015 certified company registered under the scope of manufacturing and supplying of mosquito control products.

In 2016, One Team won the prestigious “Dengue Tech Challenge 2016” which is jointly organized and supported by the United Kingdom Newton-Ungku Omar Fund, the British Council, PlatCOM Ventures, SME Corp. Malaysia, and Agensi Inovasi Malaysia.
In 2021, One Team recognized by Malaysia Productivity Corporation as Excellence Organization among 10 best organizations in the private sector at the Annual Productivity and Innovation Showcase (ArISe) 2021 Award Ceremony.
In 2022, Malaysia Commercialization Year (MCY 2021) Summit, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia (MOSTI) was pleased to announce One Team Networks Sdn Bhd and Aedestech Mosquito Home System® as the Grand Prize Winner of the “Research & Business Partnership” Award. Our product was listed in the MCY Special Key Performance Index 2021.
We have dedicated substantial resources for research and development, resulting in a core range of products with global applications. Our products are based on green, eco-friendly, high-tech and science-based control principles, available for both the consumer market and for implementation in large-scale disease control campaigns.
In 2021, One Team recognized by Malaysia Productivity Corporation as Excellence Organization among 10 best organizations in the private sector at the Annual Productivity and Innovation Showcase (ArISe) 2021 Award Ceremony.
In 2022, Malaysia Commercialization Year (MCY 2021) Summit, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia (MOSTI) was pleased to announce One Team Networks Sdn Bhd and Aedestech Mosquito Home System® as the Grand Prize Winner of the “Research & Business Partnership” Award. Our product was listed in the MCY Special Key Performance Index 2021.
We have dedicated substantial resources for research and development, resulting in a core range of products with global applications. Our products are based on green, eco-friendly, high-tech and science-based control principles, available for both the consumer market and for implementation in large-scale disease control campaigns.
一鼎国际One Team 是一家创新和可持续发展的马来西亚公司,自2013年以来将科学研究转化为灭蚊产品。一鼎国际是质量管理体系(QMS) ISO 9001:2015认证公司。在2021年,一鼎国际被马来西亚生产力机构评为十大最佳卓越私企组织之一。
一鼎国际在2016年赢得了享有盛誉的《国际登革热技术挑战赛大奖》,该挑战赛由英国牛顿翁姑奥玛基金会 Newton-Ungku Omar Fund、英国文化协会、马来西亚工业-政府高科技咨询委员会MIGHT、马来西亚中小型企业机构SME Corp. 和马来西亚PlatCOM Ventures联合主办。
2021年,荣获马来西亚生产力机构MPC颁发的《2021年度私企组织卓越奖》和《2021年度销售增长冠军奖》殊荣。2022 年,荣获马来西亚科技创新部MOSTI颁发的马来西亚商业化年峰会MCY 2021《研究与商业合作大奖》殊荣。 一鼎国际的产品被列入 2021年MCY特别关键绩效指数。
我们为研发投入了大量资源,形成了具有全球应用的核心产品系列。 一鼎国际的产品基于绿色、环保、高科技和以科学为基础的控制原则,既可用于消费市场,也可用于大规模疾病控制活动。

Aedestech Mosquito Home System®
Our flagship product - an ideal solution for Aedes Mosquito Control. The award winning auto-dissemination mosquito traps specifically designed to eradicate Aedes mosquitoes, the carriers of the dangerous and potentially deadly Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya Virus.
屡获殊荣的治理伊蚊系统,专为消灭伊蚊而设计。伊蚊可传播致命的登革热、寨卡病毒、基孔肯雅病毒的携带者。AMHS由旨在吸引和针对伊蚊繁殖的容器设备所组成。为寻找产卵地点的雌性伊蚊提供有吸引力的水源。AMHS的目标是通过使用 “诱杀技术” 吸引伊蚊后消灭她,无论是卵、幼虫、蛹还是成虫,从而减少整体蚊子数量。
X’MOS® mini aerosol mosquito killer
一鼎国际在2016年赢得了享有盛誉的《国际登革热技术挑战赛大奖》,该挑战赛由英国牛顿翁姑奥玛基金会 Newton-Ungku Omar Fund、英国文化协会、马来西亚工业-政府高科技咨询委员会MIGHT、马来西亚中小型企业机构SME Corp. 和马来西亚PlatCOM Ventures联合主办。
2021年,荣获马来西亚生产力机构MPC颁发的《2021年度私企组织卓越奖》和《2021年度销售增长冠军奖》殊荣。2022 年,荣获马来西亚科技创新部MOSTI颁发的马来西亚商业化年峰会MCY 2021《研究与商业合作大奖》殊荣。 一鼎国际的产品被列入 2021年MCY特别关键绩效指数。
我们为研发投入了大量资源,形成了具有全球应用的核心产品系列。 一鼎国际的产品基于绿色、环保、高科技和以科学为基础的控制原则,既可用于消费市场,也可用于大规模疾病控制活动。

Aedestech Mosquito Home System®
Our flagship product - an ideal solution for Aedes Mosquito Control. The award winning auto-dissemination mosquito traps specifically designed to eradicate Aedes mosquitoes, the carriers of the dangerous and potentially deadly Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya Virus.
屡获殊荣的治理伊蚊系统,专为消灭伊蚊而设计。伊蚊可传播致命的登革热、寨卡病毒、基孔肯雅病毒的携带者。AMHS由旨在吸引和针对伊蚊繁殖的容器设备所组成。为寻找产卵地点的雌性伊蚊提供有吸引力的水源。AMHS的目标是通过使用 “诱杀技术” 吸引伊蚊后消灭她,无论是卵、幼虫、蛹还是成虫,从而减少整体蚊子数量。

X’MOS® mini aerosol mosquito killer
A new generation, fast acting, non-staining, odorless mosquito killer.
X’MOS is environmentally friendly & proven to have long lasting effectiveness against all kinds of mosquitoes. Safer & more effective than conventional mosquito killer aerosols. It is a highly active insecticide for mosquito control with extremely high knockdown activity against all kind of mosquitoes.
X'MOS®迷你灭蚊剂是新一代、高速效、无色无味的灭蚊剂。环保且经证明对各种蚊子具有持久的功效。 比传统的驱蚊剂更安全、更有效。

X’bacafu® anti-microbial, alcohol-free water-based formulation. Blocking the growth of fungi, bacteria and algae lasts for a long time. X’bacafu’s active ingredient has been confirmed to be effective against 397 bacteria including all 57 bacteria existing in houses, and the spectrum is one of the best in the world.
X'bacafu多功能抗菌剂。抗微生物、无酒精水性配方。阻止真菌、细菌和藻类的持续生长。抗微生物的活性成分已被证实对 397 种细菌有效。
X’MOS is environmentally friendly & proven to have long lasting effectiveness against all kinds of mosquitoes. Safer & more effective than conventional mosquito killer aerosols. It is a highly active insecticide for mosquito control with extremely high knockdown activity against all kind of mosquitoes.
X'MOS®迷你灭蚊剂是新一代、高速效、无色无味的灭蚊剂。环保且经证明对各种蚊子具有持久的功效。 比传统的驱蚊剂更安全、更有效。

X’bacafu® anti-microbial, alcohol-free water-based formulation. Blocking the growth of fungi, bacteria and algae lasts for a long time. X’bacafu’s active ingredient has been confirmed to be effective against 397 bacteria including all 57 bacteria existing in houses, and the spectrum is one of the best in the world.